Join the Club: How We Seek to Belong
Marlis Jansen with Gabrielle Sills Marlis Jansen with Gabrielle Sills

Join the Club: How We Seek to Belong

When we join a club, we commit time, money, or both to attain membership, and in so doing, receive nominal benefits like access to activities or a swimming pool or holiday festivities. But we also get something more.

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Rethinking the Golden Rule
Gabrielle Sills Gabrielle Sills

Rethinking the Golden Rule

As kids many of us were taught the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. I can remember the first time, however, I realized that the Golden Rule might not be totally right.

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Tidings of Discomfort and Joy
Marlis Jansen with Gabrielle Sills Marlis Jansen with Gabrielle Sills

Tidings of Discomfort and Joy

The message of “happy holidays” is everywhere right now. It’s the go-to greeting for at least another week, and even when we’re not saying it to each other, we’re all still thinking it as we’re bombarded with images of happy families, mountains of gifts, sumptuous meals, and snowy adventures. But are the holidays really as happy as they’re depicted? The answer as we all know is that holidays can be… complicated.

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