Most people do not realize the impact that their relationship with money has had on their lives.
The rules you internalize about money might affect the way you choose careers, friends, partners and lifestyles. Many of these choices may not be perceived as choices, but as requirements for a happy safe life.
Graddha helps clients build awareness around and methodically address a variety of issues, including internal or family conflicts related to wealth, financial parenting strategies, values clarification, family meeting planning and more.
Services For
Individuals & Couples
“As I’ve been working with Graddha, I finally started to be proud, be secure and not feel embarrassed or have shame or guilt about my family’s wealth. And that’s really powerful.”
- G2 Inheritor

Financial Identity Guidance
You can choose how you want to relate to your money.
How has money impacted your life? Your family relationships? Have you ever wondered about your relationship with money?
In order to attain our financial and life goals, it is important to know how we relate to money on an emotional level. We call this our financial identity. Financial advice relies on models and logic, but neuroscience tells us that human emotion is the final arbiter of financial decision making.
The goal of Financial Identity Guidance is to increase your emotional awareness and agility with respect to your finances so that you can leverage money as a tool to create the life you want and reduce the “stuckness” and relational friction that many people associate with wealth.
Graddha offers a safe environment in which to explore a client’s relationship to money and wealth through a variety of lenses. Clients then embark on a series of coaching conversations and “experiments” through which they can gain further insight and create new and healthy dynamics. At the end of the process, you will have a snapshot of your financial identity as well as some ideas about ways that you can use this information.

Financial Literacy and Engagement
Skills + Motivation = Engagement
Taking charge of your finances can be intimidating. That’s because we feel uncomfortable with money and are afraid of making mistakes. Few of us get financial training and mentorship early in our lives.
Just because you know how to do something doesn’t mean you do it, right? Financial literacy means learning specific money skills. Financial engagement is the combination of financial literacy with the motivation to put the skills you have into practice. Graddha teaches you what you need to know to participate fully in your financial life.
Financial engagement coaching is a customized, curated process that combines financial skills training with motivational coaching. Skills alone are not enough. You must discover your own intrinsic motivation to gain the financial skills you need and to use them. When you know your “why,” you can be financially functional. In a family of wealth, this is an important element of being part of the family.
Regardless of age, good financial skills begin with healthy habits. We start there.

Financial Advocacy
You can take control of your finances.
Life transitions can come unexpectedly. We are rarely prepared. Sometimes even the smartest people feel like fish out of water. The world of finance, with all its jargon, can often feel this way.
If you are in the position of having to manage personal finances for the first time, we can help. Graddha acts as a translator, to help clients find their footing and gain confidence. Sometimes this involves meeting with clients alone but often we accompany clients to advisor meetings to bridge the gap between clients and advisors. Like a healthcare advocate, we know how to speak the “language” and create safe spaces for the client to get comfortable in a new role.

Prenuptial Guidance
Successful couples form a collective financial identity.
Getting married? Talking about money? Few couples discuss money in depth prior to getting married. This is no surprise since most of us don’t grow up learning how to have these conversations. And yet, money is often named as the primary cause of marital discord. It is hard to know where to start, but being open about money early on is an important part of any healthy marriage.
Graddha can help you navigate this uncharted and uncomfortable territory. Through a series of facilitated conversations, you will learn more about each other and explore your options for handling finances in a safe and guided environment.