Leftovers: keep it, toss it, or make something new?
Leftovers are a very polarizing thing. And I don’t just mean cold pizza. We all maintain endless artifacts from childhood. Consider the topics of exercise, cooking, pets, communication styles — chances are high that the ways you approach these things are direct results of behaviors you saw and values you learned growing up.

Confessions of a Dorky Violinist
We have all had pivotal moments in our lives — moments (or experiences) after which we gained a new perspective that had a powerful impact on us going forward. For me, one of these was at the age of 14 when I joined our local public high school orchestra on a trip to Germany and Austria to compete in an international music competition.

Loaded. This word has several meanings. It can convey a weight or bias on a particular outcome. It is also a term we use to describe someone who has consumed drugs or alcohol in excess. And more commonly, it is used to describe a gun with ammunition, ready to fire. The word can feel visceral and threatening in some way.

Let’s Not Tell Him That We Don’t Like The Pancakes
I am blessed to have grown up with two parents who are amazing cooks. Family meals were not always appreciated at the time they were consumed, but now I remember them as one of the highlights of my childhood. We consistently gathered around a table while being nourished by food that was lovingly created and provided for the family almost every night. Now that I have two college-age daughters, I understand the enormity of this task.